Refractory on Non-ferrous metal smelting industry

The main equipment for non-ferrous metal smelting is the non-ferrous metal smelting furnace. The quality, quality requirements and selection of refractory materials are important factors to improve the life and output of non-ferrous metal smelting furnaces. The structure of the smelting furnace depends on different fire smelting processes, and different types of furnaces are selected according to different smelting processes.

Aluminum smelting furnace

Aluminum smelting furnaces mainly include reverberatory furnaces, rotary drum furnaces and induction furnaces, and the operating temperature is generally 700-1000°C. The damage of this type of furnace lining is mainly caused by the penetration and erosion of molten aluminum. The lining is generally built with clay bricks, high-alumina refractory bricks and corundum mullite bricks, and high-alumina refractory castables and refractory can also be used. Made of plastic.

Blister copper melting furnace

For the lining of copper smelting converters, magnesia-chrome refractory bricks or chrome-magnesia bricks are commonly used in various countries. Due to the environmental hazards of "chromium", chromium-containing refractories have been gradually being constructed in recent years, replaced by new-type chromium-free environmentally friendly green refractories.

The tuyere area and slag line of the converter are the weak and broken sections of the converter lining, so high-quality high-grade refractory bricks should be selected.

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